Beauty News
Journey of creating a cosmetics brand with MAYK
#Korean Manufacturer
#cosmetics manufacture
Published: 2023-04-10
Last Updated: 2024-12-02
※ Lena is a fictional character, but the story below is based on a real journey using MAYK.
Lena, a young entrepreneur, has always been passionate about the beauty industry. She had a strong desire to start her own cosmetics brand and provide customers with unique and personalized products. However, the idea of starting a brand from scratch seemed like a daunting task.
Step 1: Brainstorming
Lena started brainstorming ideas for her brand. She researched the trends in the beauty industry, paying attention to the changes that occurred due to the pandemic. Lena identified the shift towards personalized skincare products and decided to focus on a line of moisture/anti-aging functional products that strengthen skin barriers. She also recognized the growing interest in hair care products and saw an opportunity to create a self-hair care brand.
Step 2: Joining MAYK Service to Compare Several Manufacturers
After identifying her brand's focus, Lena began developing her products. She researched key ingredients and different formulations that would provide the desired benefits to her customers. She had to go through several rounds of testing and refining to create the perfect products.
At this point, Lena found a K-beauty digital factory called MAYK through a Google search. She found that she could try different samples from various Korean manufacturers through MAYK. She ordered a few samples from the MAYK website to test the formula.
Step 3: Trying and Picking a Sample
After a few weeks, the sample kit from Korea arrived! The samples were packed in a small container with a cute introduction card. From day one, Lena began trying the samples to get to know the formula. She found that some of the samples were fit for her brand, while others were not. She liked the texture but wanted to change the scent a bit. Through the sample testing, she could imagine the container that she needed to use for the best usage.
Step 4: Consultation with the Sales Managers of MAYK
Finding the right sample and manufacturer was a crucial step for Lena's brand. She needed to ensure that the factory had the necessary production facilities, know-how, and production capacity to create her products. Lena also needed to consider the minimum order quantity (MOQ) and the manufacturer's capabilities to produce small quantities.
She found a small QR code on the card packed with the sample that led her to a direct message with the person in charge. It was simple to find the information with the sales manager of MAYK, so she didn't need to spend a significant amount of time reviewing different samples and making the final choice.
Step 5: Making it Look Good and Selling It
The final step in Lena's journey was to create a unique brand image that would attract customers. She focused on the overall shape of the container, lid, body color, and appropriate label. Lena wanted to see the final version of her idea, and MAYK helped her at this moment too! She simply sent the name of the brand and overall concept to MAYK. A few days later, MAYK sent her the 3D mock-up of her product with full design. She could test two different designs with her customers to see which one was better.
Lena's brand looked attractive and eye-catching, and she was confident that customers would love it. She also utilized various distribution channels, including her online shop, to effectively promote her brand.
Lena's journey of creating her cosmetics brand was not an easy one, but she persevered and succeeded. She realized that with the right focus, planning, and execution, starting a brand from scratch is possible, definitely with MAYK. Lena was grateful for the help she received from MAYK, which made the journey more accessible and less expensive.
Start creating your dream brand today with MAYK!